The thornless Honeylocust (Gledistsia triancantos f. inermis) is a popular lawn and street tree in the Midwest and East.  Its 1/2″ leaves, which turn a rich golden yellow in fall, create a filtered shade enabling grass to grow underneath.  Additionally the leaves do not need to be raked in fall due to their small size.

Growth Rate

  • Medium to fast

Mature Height

  • 35-45 Ft in height and 25-35 Ft in width

Sun Preference

  • Full sun to part shade

Soil Requirements

  • Grows best in moist, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerant of a wide range of soils. Also tolerant of wind, high summer heat, drought and saline conditions.

gltshb_003  gleditsia_triacanthos_1


Interested in our Honey Locust?  Contact us Now.