Clark Brothers was originally opened in 2006 by Joe Clark on 10 acres.  Today, our nursery consists of over 60 acres located in Southern Chester County.  We grow nearly 90 cultivars of trees including: evergreens, shade trees, and flowering trees.  Some of the varieties we grow include Spruce, Pine, Arborvitae, Maples, Cherries, Oaks, and many more.  In addition to what we grow we have worked hard over the last 15 years to develop an excellent network of quality growers from coast to coast to help fill the holes in our supply.

Our focus has always been to provide our customers with high quality trees at a price they can afford.  We specialize in planting tree lines and privacy screens.  By growing what we sell, we help our customers avoid the high costs of garden centers and landscapers. Most of our trees are dug just a few days before we bring them to your home.  By using a local grower we can provide a tree that is acclimated to our regional soil types and environment, ensuring the best possible outcome for a healthy tree to take root at at your home.

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