Winter King Hawthorn (Crataegus viridis ‘Winter King’) has a lovely rounded habit, almost vase-shaped structure, and distinctive gray-green stems.  It has dark green foliage turns purple to red in fall, with white flowers in may, and small red fruit that develop in September and usually persist well into winter.  The bark on older stems exfoliates and exposes gray, greens, and orangish browns.

Growth Rate

  • Medium

Mature Height

  • 20 – 25 Ft in height and 20-30 Ft in width

Sun Preference

  • Full sun

Soil Requirements

  • Easily grown in average, dry to medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates light shade and drought. Moist, rich, fertile soils may encourage unwanted succulent growth. Tolerant of urban pollution.

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Interested in our Winter King Hawthorne?  Contact us Now.